Saturday, July 23, 2011

When it comes to lawnmowers what kind of oil do you put in it?

It depends on the engine that is on your mower. Briggs & Stratton and Honda both recommend 30W HD in their lawn mower engines. You should be safe enough using that same oil in most makes, unless as already mentioned, it is a two cycle. Maybe you can consider hiring a neighbor boy to do the mowing and lawn mower wrestling for you?

How to find an amazing deal on the cricut expression machine plus design studio at a decent price?

I scrapbook quite often so i'd really like to get the cricut expression for projects and stuff. They're so expensive at michaels they're $400 etc. I've tried ebay and amazon and the prices are still pretty steep. HELP!

Mission Space at Epcot in Disney World?

So, I will be going to Disney again soon and I have never been on this ride. I know there are two different versions, and the "green" one is less intense and doesn't have spinning or G-forces. The "orange" is more intense and makes it really feel like you're taking off in a rocket. I'm sure I'd be fine on the green one, but I don't know about the orange. It sounds cool but I'd be a little nervous about going on it. I've heard some people say it's really fun, but I've heard some really bad things too, like some people said it made them so sick that they had to go back to their hotels for the rest of the day. And apparently there are vomit bags too. So I'm wondering whether or not I'd be able to handle the orange. I went on the Tower of Terror the last time I was there, and I liked it, but I did feel SLIGHTLY queasy after I got off. But it was nothing bad, I just sat down for a minute and then got right up and was able to eat lunch. lol. I also live near the Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama and have been on the rides there. There's this one called "The G-Force" where you're in a circular room and basically strapped into this thing on the wall, and you start out standing up and then it lifts you off the ground and it just spins really fast. I'm able to handle that just fine, but I don't know if it would compare to Mission Space.

Does A cyborg still has feelings? Sektor for Mortal Kombat, he was turn into cyber ninja.?

You are intelligent. It's important to remember that no matter who you are, everyone has feelings, even ninja cyborgs. You are sweet to be concerned. Maybe next time you see him you can treat him as an equal. I hope this helps you in your quest brave one.

Easiest way to give a puppy pills?

I make a big show of cutting several small pieces of lunch meat or sliced cheese. The pill is wrapped in one of them. I get the dog to notice that I have a lot of treats and then feed them quickly, one after another, so the idea is that he is gobbling one to get to the next ... and one that he gobbles has the pill in it, but another treat is being waved under his nose so he doesn't think to inspect the one with the pill.

What are some fun apps to install onto my Ipod Touch?

I like Tiny Tower and Sunshine Cruise Ship. I love stimulation games where you build those little dream islands and etc. I want it to be free... but if a game is AMAZING and costs, list it.

Wizard101 codes! (that still work)?

play these games and they will give you codes, the higher the score the better your prize a href="" rel="nofollow"

I am getting a second hand laptop for my birthday but what is the best?

I want to know the best type of laptop! The most I can afford is 200 and that is a but steep! I would like one that is handy to fit into bags and to carry around the place! Please help!

Supported Screen Resolution?

I need to know if the "AMD Radeon HD 6310 graphics" supports 1920x1080p screen resolution? I am looking at getting a tower, and this is the on board graphics chip. I have a HP 2210m monitor that I have had for a year, and want to continue to use the 1920x1080 resolution.

Do you remember windows 98?

and the games like SkiFree (where the abominable snowman always gobbled you up) and the cat and mouse game where you had to trap the cats and capture the cheese

What is the best way to cut the grass in a ditch?

I normally go through the length of it, and hold it up on an angle. Today, I went and dipped up and down, but it gets hard because the middle of my ditch is really steep. Is there an easier way?

Nice gaming pc for around $1000-$1100?

i want it to have an amd phenom x6 1100t, modular power supply around 850W, a radeon 6950 or gtx 570-580, 8 gigs RAM and a nice air cooler like a thermal take v6 gt or noctua dh14 and the case would be like a mid tower or xion predator 970.

How to handle not-so-great food?

My mom makes not-so-great food sometimes. Sometimes its just disgusting health food, but sometimes its just because she doesnt cook that great. There are a few meals that she makes pretty good, and i gobble them up real fast and ask for more. But when she makes not-so-great meals, it seems like she wants me to eat them the same way i do good meals. I usually just talk a lot to cover up that im not eating, but shes caughten on to me. how do i respond to these meals? please help!!

My puppy got sick then got better now he doesn't want his puppy food anymore.?

call the vet find out if the food you are trying to feed him has been recalled it is possible the food may be bad in the meantime give him the can food if he still eats it

Why isn't my betta eating?

Ok I know that I fed my betta 1 pellet of his food. Usually he gobbles it up before I can. Blink. Yesterday he didn't touch it and let it go to the bottom. His tank is rather dirty so I cleaned it right out. I made sure the water was de-chlorinated before I put him back in. I tried feeding him last night after I cleaned his bowl but he still wouldn't eat. So I took out the pellet and threw it out. This morning he hasn't eaten for a day now so I give him a pellet. He doesn't eat it so I take it out. So a few hours later I try something different. I crush up a pellet and give it to him. He goes up and just swims near it. Still doesn't eat. He has never done this before. What could he wrong? How can I fix it?

Spooked Turkeys! Please help me!!!?

Take this from a fellow 14 year old hunter. My first hunt we had a huge flock coming RIGHT TOWARDS US! when i shifted a deer and her fawn ran in the middle of them and they scatter. They will most likely stay in the same area but not right in the same trees. Your dad isn't disappointed in you, more likely he feels guilty himself. My first turkey i bagged, the only reason i got him was because he was literally no more than 10 feet from me. You definitely have another shot (no pun intended)

Does the beginning of my book make you want to read on?

If you were older I would definitely say absolutely not. But your age makes me think that in the future or even as your book progresses you may become a better writer. For your age I would say that is a great opener. And that is not meant as an insult I think your pretty good. And yeah I would continue reading.

Should a pedestrian pushing a bicycle on a road be going with or against the traffic?

If I am going up a hill so steep that I have to get off and push my bicycle up, should I be going against or with the traffic?

Anyone have any experience with metal roofing shingles?

I like the look and warranty of metal stone coated shingles. I'm not sure if they are the best for my roof. The pitch on my roof is not steep. My current roof is not in bad shape but will need replacing in the next 6 years. I want something that will help insulate my home.

My sister just told me I stink?

I say dont listen to her, she's just being a brat in my opinion. But sometimes if you put on too much perfume it like does an opposite effect sometimes that could be it but hey its all part of growing up especially the pimples, they'll go away.

My dog just ate a pork rib bone all in one?

i dropped it on the floor, didnt realise i did- i ws throwing last nights food in the bin and she gobbled it right up! she as a 10 year old staffordshire bull terrier and was about an inch long....will she need to go to the vets or should we just leave her to digest it or what? I cant believe shes done it! she is so well trained she never eats until we tell her to, no im a little worried? It was a cooked bone aswell, and i heard you cant give you dog and cooked meat- cos it splinters, but because she ate it in one will it not do that?

Weird change in bearded dragon eating habits?

Before brumation, Oly was ravenous and would eat almost anything I gave her, besides brocolli Gobbled cale, meal worms everything. After brumation she now won't eat meal worms or kale or collared greens. Well she does eat the veggies but not until they're dried and crunchy (I feed her before work and when I come home, the veggies are like chips and she seems to like those.) She seems to be most happy about kicking the veggies around her viv, trodding through her dish. She is eating wax worms quite happily. And carrots as a treat. Haven't tried crickets yet. I'm not really sure what my question is. Just wondering if others have had this experience. It seems her taste in food completely changed after she woke up. She is active and acting quite healthy. She's 1 years old. Her temps are the same as they were before brumation. I don't know, I just think it's weird. Thoughts? what are some other veggies I should try?

Can I get some suggestions for space in minecraft?

I play on a minecraft server and I spent about a week gathering materials and building a 70 block tall tower that is a cylinder with a diameter of 21. I am going to use the first 2 floors for my shop, but what will I do with the other 13? Any suggestions?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Would you be angry if...?

Well, if she's an older sibling, they generally don't like to be proven wrong. She may also be thinking that the effort she put in wasn't 'good enough for you'. It may have felt like 30 mins to her because she was already in a bad mood. She may also feel better by blaming you for being late then herself.

[Ramadan] Is this true or just a spoof?

Really then the Bank should have informed me not to use 2442 as my pin. I better call them and find out about this new piece of info you just provided.

Is there a safe way to hike to Fallen Leaf Lake?

I did a hike with my friends at South Lake Tahoe and we went through this path that was the most steepest hill I have ever hiked. I didn't make it and I let everyone down because I started passing out after hiking up such a steep hill. I was wondering if there's actually a safe hiking path to Fallen Leaf Lake?

New kitten, older cat won't eat or drink? Help!!?

I think that she's just jealous. When you already have a cat or a dog and bringing another pet to the family always give the most attention to the pet you have before. Keep them in seperate rooms right after they smell or sniff each other. I guess now your only opption is to have your cat on your lap and have your other pets around and give the most attention to her. Maybe even try to feed her on the same time. When you give your cat attention also lay down her and kiss her face and have your nose touch hers as if your greeting her. I read that in books and cats really seem to understand that. Hope this helps:)

Switching from laptop to external display?

I have a new HP laptop running windows 7, my tower was damaged and I have a beautiful wide screen monitor that I want to use. My question is, how do you watch a movie on the widescreen monitor and use the laptop for something else??? This has been making me nuts. I have gone into display options and the only choices I have are extend or duplicate? Anyone know how to do this? I hit detect and identify and it does nothing. Have also done right click on desktop, also gone into Catalyst Control Center and just can't get this to work. It mirrors and extends, that's it! And why doesnt the PC recognize the monitor? Thanks in advance.

Trying to learn everything there is to know about IT?

You are definitely on the right path. You don't want to end up being a Jack of all Trades, Master of NONE sort, though. You are going to have to be generalized and proficient in many areas to some degree, but having a specialization will ensure that you are able to get a job because they will require someone with your exact knowledge. Put all that desire to learn into one field and you will certainly go far. If you have trouble deciding, use resources like to try free practice tests in a variety of areas to see where your strengths lie and what areas you like the most. Good luck to you!

I need some computer upgrade suggestions?

Your CPUs are fine. Put the maximum amount of RAM your motherboard will support in the PC. If possible, upgrade your video card too. But why would you want to use a PC from 2001 for gaming? This thing is ancient. A machine with 256 MB is really old, you might have a hard time trying to find more RAM for it. And other upgrade components for that matter. Computers are not like cars, you can't really upgrade a 10-year-old machine and see a huge increase in performance without replacing just about everything. Technology has changed too much in the past 10 years. Newer games perform a lot better on newer hardware. If you don't want to build your own gaming machine (which are the best), then invest in a new computer, and use this old Dell for basic computer tasks, like surfing the Web and word processing, or old PC games from this era (late '90s-early 00s)

Baby gone off solids - Help please?

My little man is 26 weeks old at the moment and has been happily on solids for over 6 weeks now. He was a very good little eater, did not struggle at all with the transition, was eating a variety of different foods and we had just started experimenting with different textures etc. However last week he came down with gastroenteritis (picked up at mums&tots it turns out) and had a few episodes of projectile vomiting as well as the accompanying diarrhoea. He went off all his food in general and the doctor said that this was normal as he was poorly and that I should continue to feed him as normal even if he only had a little and that eventually his appetite would return. Well I am pleased to say he is much better but he is not at all interested in taking any solids. Whereas before he would gobble everything with great gusto now its all tears and tantrums. I just have to pick up his spoon and he is screaming even before I have started trying to feed him. He will take bits of finger food like toast and pieces of cheese but these are mainly to gnaw on and not to eat as understandably he hasn't mastered that skill. He is drinking his milk but don't think that it is filling him up enough. I am starting to worry a little but am trying to make his mealtimes relaxed although inside i am in a little panic and in one instance when he refused my home made food I resorted to the baby jars and tried three different ones in a row and he was not having any of it. I'm at a loss of what to do and would like any advice or if you had any similar experiences.

What is a gradient of 22 converted into degrees?

there is a hill in Italy that was featured in the Giro d'Italia and it had a steepest section with a grade of 22. I want to know what angle that s please

Is it possible for a ferret to be retarded?

I think my male ferret is mentally stupid. Compared to his sister, he doesn't notice things like she does, his sense of smell doesn't appear as sharp, he's not clever at getting out of boxes or climbing over things. He's strong, a brute, but that's it. His sister, on the other hand, I can see her thinking through problems and situations - when I hold up the can of their favorite treat she runs to her food dish where she knows I'm going to place the treat. Her idiot brother does nothing until I physically put him in front of the treat where he gobbles it right up. Is he stupid? Or is this typical male ferret behavior?

My betta is not eating the bloodworms I give it?

It is a female betta useally eats pelets but decided to buy bloodworms as a treat. Put a pinch of freeze dried bloodworms in the tank and she did not even touch them gave her a pelet and gobbled it up. I thought bloodworms were a treat!

Is 600$ labor a fair price to install 3 solar powered roof fans on a cape code style home with a steep roof.?

bout this house in the winter and ready to move by the summer, the 2nd floor is unbearable due to the heat. After moving in I notice the house didn't have any ventilation in the roof. Had roofer come out today and he quoted 600$ if I bout the fans.

Do You really think this country ( USA ) is out of money?

The only thing of any value in any country are it's people, and yet we treat each other like excrement. And we wider why we are heading down the toilet!

What does this poem mean?

It means that he is trying to make an effort to right whatever, but hes your ex so it doesnt really mean anything. Be nice about it and say thanks while your looking at him and you will know if he meant this. I think he means it cause i dont write poems to girls but ill write letters, ill say it took 10 min to do it but really that amount of writing and thought takes awhile. I wonder if your group is his main friends, if it is then yea he is trying to be Mr fix it right now.

Is it healthy to feed a hamster one piece of non-sugary cereal often as a treat?

definitely!!! a non-sugary cereal is a great treat for the little hamster!!, IF you give it to him no more then twice a week. also to the second question you ask i say YES. they love to get outside!!! i put my hamster in the grass outside about once a week and she loves it! i think she even gets sad when it is time to put her back in the cage again. as long as there are no dangers like dogs and other stuff it is ok. oh, but can i tell you something? my hamster and my dog are like almost friends it is so weired! so i never worry about my dog eating it. and NO to anyone who thinks i am trolling about my hamster and my dog, it is true!

Should I bring a prop, if any, to my Senior Portraits?

I would bring all the props that you LOVE! You want your senior pictures to reflect who you are right now today, and props are a major part of that. I think having props makes the pictures more personal and in 20 years when you look back at them you'll be able to remember more clearly who you were in highschool.

Should i get a Cooler Master or the Raven 3?

Basically what Blah B said. Haf 932 is a great case. I'm getting the HAF X myself though. Just read the reviews from Newegg or the link Blah B posted. Newegg also usually has deals on it all the time.

Isn't it illegal for Google to try to force you to apply your Google login to access other Google products?

I have a Youtube account that dates back before Youtube was gobbled by Google. Anyway, whenever I open my Youtube account it wants me to use my gmail login to access but I always use my Youtube login. I like to keep it separate. Anyway, if I have my gmail acct open in another window it automatically stops working and I have to close it and reopen it. When I do that then my Youtube automatically boots me out of my account. It's very annoying and I'm sure its designed to be that way so one will just give into a more seamless online experience. Imao, its just about data collection and they purposefully make the online experience a hassle to get one to do what they want. Isn't this unethical? A form of corporate cyberbullying? Does anyone out there feel me?

My heart crushed into pieces?

Well I'm new to this school. It's been going well I hav new friends and I hav good grades I think. Well I like this guy. Hes a bit shorter than me, one of his ears r pierced and has the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen. He was nice to me and we don't talk that much): but this girl asked him out and sadly he said yes): my heart was gobbled by a monster. And a month later we went to a field trip to go ice skating. I wrote the song "the perfect two" by auburn and one of my friends gave it to him. He went to out table and started talking to one of my friends. His girl following him as usual. We didn't really talk, we just catch glances and one time he gave me a smile. I don't know what he thinks about me.. He's girl and him was holding hands in the bus. And I'm not sure if he likes me or not): wat should I do?

First-time longboard buyer? help!?

so i used to skateboard, but yesterday i tried my friend's longboard and i got the hang of it right away! she has the "Gravity Makai Drop Carve Maple 41". i really liked it but don't know if its best for me? i don't really have any place to go so i dont need it for transportation i guess! i just want to use it for fun, ride it in my neighborhood and down streets(downhill, but not really steep!). i want to learn to carve also, which is why i liked my friends. please help me!

Which vehicle is better? A 2008 BMW 328i or a 2008 Mercedes C300?

Hey guys, so I'm in the market for a compact luxury sports car. So far I have narrowed it down to both the BMW 3 series and the Mercedes C-class. Initially my favorite car was actually the 2009-2011 Infiniti G37 sedan but my mom beat me to it, so buying another one would just look weird. I love the styling in the BMW as well as its over all driving dynamics however the Mercedes C300 sport feels more refined and for the most part Ive heard a lot more reliable then a BMW. Any suggestions?? By the way the Audi A4 is nice but I dont like the previous generation A4, the new A4 is still priced a bit steep even when used. So BMW or Mercedes?

Can you wear a Morphsuit to Alton Towers?

sometimes they don't let you in theme parks because it limits visibility, kinda stupid, I got chucked out of chessington word of adventures for wearing one because apparently it was a device to cover my identity so I could steal stuff

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How much to feed my daughters Betta?

I recently bought 2 betta for my daughter. She's too young to take care of them all the way but she does like to help feed. Well the store told us to feed them up to six pellets each depending on whether they'd eat it within 3 minutes. Im feeding them 5 pellets each at the moment & they gobble it up in NO time. I'm scared of over feeding them... should I give them another pellet? Also should i only feed them once a day or twice?

1999 chevy tahoe 5.7L vortex?

go to o'reilly and tell them to give you ac spark plugs and a decent set of plug wires . GM does perform better on the ac delco plugs and they are the only one to use really all the others are just a money scam I do believe,but any ways o'reilly has a good warranty on the wire sets and we have never had any problems with them just get the cheap set.

Is mongolian food with nothing but noodles and beed high in calories?!?

its one of those places where you gather up all the stuff on a plate and you give it to the guy and he cooks it for you. What the plate consist of is alot of noodles (where it towers pretty high) and beef at the bottom. Does that have alot of calories?

What is wrong with my hamster?

Get some of the diet. If she doesn't eat that, try a flat dish if possible, or have someone hand feed her every day. How cute! (:

How to feed my cories?

Sinking shrimp pellets work. Aqueon sells some for $2. Mine also eat flakes though. Once I saw them eat an algae wafer when I got them, but that might've been because they were hungry from the petstore. Washed zucchini slices are supposed to work, and I've heard romaine lettuce.

Best things to do in CHICAGO?..GO!?

me&my friend r tryign to have a ferris bueler day:) but ive done the sual michigan ave, water tower, china town, baseballgames...i want to go in DEEPER!!!!! ive lived in chicago all my life, and i want something new!!! gove me a bunch of stuf!!!

Alton Towers and alcohol in the early days of pregnancy?

It's impossible to know for sure but i doubt it. AND please if what you meant by DECIDE TO KEEP THIS BABY you mean abort it or keep it please think twice.

Black hole space/time contradictions?

Outside observers (us) can never see an object cross the event horizon of a black hole. Therefore to an outside observer, a blackhole's mass is observed to be smeared just slightly above the event horizon. This is what the laws of physics say, and why it is possible for black holes to radiate (the so-called Hawking radiation). Any statement that matter actually falls through the event horizon is pure speculation and not science as it is impossible to observe. The idea that the mass of a blackhole exists on the surface also explains why the information content, or entropy, of a black hole depends on its surface area rather than its volume.

Revised poem of mine, what do you think?

It's delightful except for the meter in the last stanza, just a little tweaking will fix it though. I have a feeling you are going to become one of my favorites!

Zelda Spirit tracks question?

In Zelda spirit tracks are the bomb bags optional because I am at the Tower of Spirit Fifth visit and there are these blocks that can be bombed and I don't have one. Where can you buy one and it is too late to get one because I already defeated cragma

So today is my birthday and...?

well , everyone just said happy birthday. we didn't go anywhere or do anything. which really made me sad...every year we always do something fun and exciting, but this year it changed, ihave no idea why. i'm with my dad right now (my parents are divorced and my dad is having me for visitation) and if i was with my mom right now we'd be going to the mall or something. but my dad just doesn't want to leave to go anywhere. he claims that he has work thats due tommorrow yet he had to wait until the day before it was due which is my birthday AND father's day ! and he had all the other days to finish his work. he's changed over the years. and it really pisses me off that he chooses to steep this low and not even want to celebrate these 2 occasions. :/

I need to find a lawyer with PayPal experience?

I sold a new phone over eBay and PayPal was used for the payment method. Basically long story short, after one week the buyer e-mailed me saying 1st the phone was only showing gobble when using the keyboard after him having the phone for one week and then the 2nd email he claimed the phones sliding mechanism wasn't working properly and that the face plate was broken and this happened within 24 hrs of activation. I tried to work with this buyer but he decided to open a dispute through paypal ( He only wrote 2 sentences writing only about the 2nd emails complaints and that I had a no return policy). I raised it into a claim because it was more than obvious this guy was lying and damaged the phone. So I provided paypal with a close up picture of the phone before I sent it and the e-mails between the buyer and myself as well. I clearly described how inconsistent he was with his accusations. PayPal closed the case in his favor. Now I have been a member for almost 6 years with over 50 feedbacks of 100%. The other guy has only been a member for 3 with only 1 previous feedback. Once I received the phone it was clearly damaged, showing scratches everywhere and the screen wasn't working right anymore because you can not see anything except fuzzy things. I had told PayPal that the guy must have dropped the phone because the things he was describing are caused by something like that and he would never have been able to get the phone activated since you need to be able to see whats displayed. So I had to appeal my case and provided a written statement by sprint that the phone was brand new with no damages and that now the phone has marks and the screen was broken which those are things caused usually by dropping or crushing. Also I sent them pictures of the phone being broken now, and that the buyer didn't return all of the items. PayPal is asking me to go back to sprint because they need the evaluation from sprint to be on paper with a Sprint Letterhead.....even though the store phone # is on there. When the supervisor called me he said that I could be lying and the letter and phone # is a fake....even though the phone number is found in the yellow and white pages. I asked if I went back and got what they are asking for if he can guarantee me my money back, he said no. I am done with this and need a lawyer. The buyer didn't provide any proof what so ever....all he did was write those sentences. I have done more then enough. I live in TN and am looking for someone who has knowledge about PayPal. My e-mail is If you have been hurt by PayPal please message me too, maybe we can get a class action lawsuit together. Thanx

How much should a used Nikon D40x cost?

Prices in Canada are relatively higher. You should know that by now. If you want cheaper, shop in the US. Of course you'll have to put gas price or shipping on top of the camera's price so they might just even out in the end. In the Philippines, that price (after conversions) would be more on the cheap side.

What are some good books to read?

im very picky about what books i like, for example i heard the Dark Tower series by steven king was suppose to be really good but i read thru the whole first book and hated every minuit of it, i just couldnt get sucked into the story, but when i read the harry potter series i eagerly waited for each book to come out and read it in 3-5 days. Idk what kinda books i like cuz im not usually into that fantasy stuff but i loved the harry potter series. i think i prefer them written from a specific characters point of view.

How much power can Solar Power give?

The main advantage to solar energy is that, unlike fossil fuels, it is inexhaustible. Not only that but there is little to no harmful emissions associated with renewable energy. Wind power is a form solar energy as well. Currently solar power is used for residential homes primarily. Flat solar panels feed energy into the cities power grids, effectively running the homes meter backwards for as much power as the panel produces. To answer your question about the tower, it is estimated that a tower that would produce 100 MegaWatts would have to be 1000 m high and 20 KMs in area. The largest one currently constructed can power about 10,000 homes ( To give you a scale coal plants produce about 3.5 gigawatts in comparison. Currently wind energy shares a similar efficiency rating (20.3%). But countries like China, Germany, and the United States all produce 25+ Gigawatts of power through wind farms. Currently it seems unfeasible to run a city on only solar energies. There are other renewable resources such as tidal energy and geothermal energy but those are rather lacking as well. Look into nuclear energy because it is rather efficient and with the proper safety methods and waste disposal methods, it can be considered a good alternative to fossil fuels. Hope that helps.

How far do you think technology has come? Are we playing God?

There is no such thing as "crossing the line" when it comes to knowledge, science and technology.

Which pc specs are better performance wise?

The 1st one. It has a better processor, video card and a bigger HDD. If you are looking for a gaming pc then the 1st one should be your choice

If the Virginia state police pulled you over right by the NC line, if you stepped over can the Virginia....?

If the Virginia police pulled you over right by NC line and you steeped over the NC line, can the virginia state cops come and get you in NC?

The diameter of a water tower tank is 16ft.....?

The diameter of a water tower tank is 16ft, and its height is 11ft. What is the volume of water that can be stored in the tank? (Use the value 3.14 for pi and round answer to the nearest cubic foot)

What picture would look good in between my Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe picture?

(black and white) i dont want another picture of a person maybe the eiffel tower or something with polka dots/ damask

Why are Koi carp such delicate creatures?

I had about 30 Koi carp in a pond in my back garden. Now my Weimaraner Rufus would occasionally gobble one of them up, which I didn't mind as the stock would replenish themselves. However, I recently held a garden party to celebrate my promotion at Goldman Sachs, it was a lavish affair, champagne and ferrero rocher - we wanted for nothing. Unfortunately as the night wore on my guests became 'worse for wear' and started to use my pond as a toilet. I woke up the next morning and all my fish were dead. I am deeply saddened by this as they will cost a fortune to replace - is it usual for these fish to be killed off by such a minor thing?

I need help with a sick platy?

i have a female platy who caught white spot off two new platy's i added to the tank.i separated her and treated her with white spot treatment At first i thought she was going to die as she was lying sideways on the bottom of her tank not moving and breathing rapidly, she was also 'bent' looking. Amazingly the next day i fed her blood worms and she managed her way round the tank gobbling them all up... eventually she was sitting up, her colour looked great, her tattered tail was mending and a few days later she was swimming about normally so i released her back into the main tank. The next day i noticed she was hiding alot and acting strangely so once again i put her back in the small tank, she seemed to have a 'relapse', once again she was bent looking and lying sideways on the bottom, day by day she's improving, colour great, eating greedily, almost a normal fish.. then there was another suprise of 7 babies, all doing great. I suppose my question is, does anyone know what could be wrong with my fish, i have no idea what to treat her with, and as she seems to be a little fighter i don't want to give up. :))

Do you have to pay an entrance fee for alton towers?

me and my friend are going to alton towers next monday, my mum's taking us but she hates rides. will she have to pay the 30 odd quid fee even if she's not going on any rides, she's just watching us?

Whats a good GPS to use (Australia)?

You might what to check out a href="" rel="nofollow" where you will find charts comparing the features of various models of GPS systems. You can also find reviews from actual unit owners of the units you select along with a detailed description of what each unit does. Hope this help you decide which is best for your.

11 month old baby stopped eating?

Is she teething?? usually when they are teething they tend to eat less. If not it could just be a stage she is going through. I would start giving her the gummy vitamins to fill in nutritional gaps or the pediasure shakes...ask a doctor first though :)

Why is it that 9-11 called the day that the world stopped turning?

i know its because the towers fell and because of the pentagon and because flight 19 but why did they pick that saying?

I know this is a weird question.?

But I'm doing a project on Nazi Germany about how many Nazi leaders did not have blonde hair or blue eyes and I know this is weird but can you tell me the hair and eye color of these people? Josef mengle, Adolf hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Herman Goering and Josef gobbles. thanks!

Would it be fair to say that gravity from a black hole is the source of death but also the source of life?

Correct me if i am wrong, but if gravity from a black hole causes nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium in our sun, and these reactions power our sun, which in turn enables life on earth, despite the black hole gobbling up matter makes me conclude that the black hole is the source of both life and death.What do you think?

Will water ruin vans?

Your feet will get wet but the shoes should be fine. Either set them out to dry afterwards or put them in your washing machine to clean them then set them out to dry

How to sync two tiny towers using the same GameCenter?

Ok, this question might be a little confusing. I have tiny tower on my iphone and IPad. But they are different on each one! Is there a way I can sync them so they are exactly the same using the same GameCenter account?

Is it normal for ginger cats to be more overweight?

no pets arent meant to be fat. it can lower their lifetime and they can die sooner-- you dont want that to happen do you? if you love your cat take it to the doctor and see what the doctor recommends you to do.

Can I tow a 25ft wellcraft cuddy cabin ?

With my Jeep grand Cherokee straight 6 4.0 4wd with a class 3 hitch? Not interested in going long distances or steep inclines...

What wet food to feed my dogs, they hate dry food?

I have no idea what's available in the UK and what's not, but the canned foods I feed my dog are EVO, Wellness Core, Wellness 95%, and Before Grain. Look for canned foods that have named meats as it's main ingredients. I usually avoid ones with grain in them. Don't buy the grocery store brand foods because those are the ones loaded with by products, soy, wheat, animal digest, added sugar, and artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. All useless to a dog.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Is air at alton towers like a rollercoaster?

last year i went on 13 at alton toweres and i really didnt like it and now i hate rollercoasters. im going again in a couple of weeks and im really tempted to go on air because it looks fun. But now im scared incase it is like a roller coaster and dont know whether to go on it or not. i also want to know how fast it is. Thanks!

My chihuahua's appetite is lacking... Whats wrong with her? =(?

I have a 5 year old chihuahua, she use to do a dance when it was feeding time and gobble it down... but for over a month now, she looks at it and walks away. She eventually eats it, but it takes all day. She doesn't have diarreah or vomiting and her behavior is fine... Should I be worried?? Any ideas whats wrong??

How much should you feed Oranda goldfish?

I have 2 small Oranda goldfish and I feed them dry fish flakes. They gobble them up but I think i may be over feeding them as one just stays in a little house at the bottom all day or else he seems to float about near the top. Someone at work said it could be a bladder problem? Any ideas?

Scratches under my car - Toyota Wish.?

If I went up a ramp at a construction side and I heard some scratching underneath the car (probably the ramp was too steep), will it compromise safety or it's just cosmetic? Should I get someone to look at it?

Help With BB Gun Choice?

you will need a Red Ryder 200 shot Range Model with a compass in the stock and a thing that tells time.

A duck wont stop eating my caterpiller collection, help me fix this devistating dilemma!?

my poor baby caterpillers are being gobbled up by this monsterous beast! ( i had 200 but now i have 74) help me fix this wild catastrofy and will keep your garden duck free and you eggs toasty warm!

I have a question about Mallard Ducks?

Last year i hand raised a mallard duck, i released him when i saw that his male colors were appearing, Its been around 6-7 months now but a few days ago a male duck and a female appeared at my sliding glass door eating my dogs food , I put out a bowl of meat builder i had leftover from last year and they gobbled it up with no im thinking this is my duck but my duck he had a solid grey beak, and this ducks beak is yellow ... So Do Ducks Beaks Change Color? and Do You Think This Is My Duck

How high was the water tower on That 70s Show?

There is no way in real life that any human being would survive such a fall. With the exception of Charlie, all of the guys have fallen off at least once & walked away with nothing more than a few scrapes & sprains. Impossible. The water tower in my town is REAL high. A drop that high would liquify anyone who fell off.

I have all of the outlet spots of a power strip filled and then some? Is this safe?

You know a power strip that allows you to plug multiple outlet plugs into it to power multiple electrical appliances.The power strip itself is attached to an extension chord that is plugged into a wall outlet. The six appliances that occupy the six outlet plugs are my computer (tower), my monitor, computer speakers, power plug for modem/router, then I switch off one of the outlets between a lamp and printer (I have ran out of outlets so this is how I use both). The last outlet on this power strip is occupied with another extension chord which is attached to yet another power strip. On this other strip, I have a 36 inch flat screen t.v. plugged in, an alarm clock, a DVD player, and a 120 watt guitar amp (I don't always have the guitar amp on obviously but when I do I don't remove any plug). I hope you have already guessed that in this room there are no wall outlets, which is of course why I do all of this. I guess I'm trying to ask, IS THIS SAFE! I actually really think about it when I'm switching the one plug between my lamp and printer (don't want to get shocked), or when I'm playing my guitar (afraid of damage to amp). IS THIS SAFE TO ME AND MY APPLIANCES!!! Please help. Thanks!

What's a good Dog cookbook for homemade daily meals? Or...?

I was looking at amazon for some cookbooks and they all seem to have a lot of wheat usage. I was told this wasn't always good to feed too much wheat. Plus the reviews I read state they don't have a nutrient guide. Any suggestions? Or does anyone have any good recipes to share? I made boiled chicken breast with steamed brown rice for tonight with a little distilled water in it. My 2 1/2 year old girl gobbled it up and my 8 month old boy did too. He has parvo so I want him to start eating healthier now. Also, what can I give him to boost his immune system? Thanks.

READERS: Is my writing style suited for a horror novel? On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate this?

the writing is excellent, except for the cussing, the plot is good and there's definitely an element of fear, but the book sounds more like a scary mystery than horror to me. as a horror book i'd give it a 5 on the fear scale

Will biking like this make my legs bulky?

So, I'll be biking to work in the summer. The ride one way is about 3 miles, so that's not too bad but theres like MASSIVE hills. Really steep, reallly long. Are my legs going to get bulky? Is there anything I can do to prevent it? I usually keep my gears (the 1-3 ones) on 2, and the 1-7 ones on 7.

How can I hydrate my 6mnth old Beagle until tomorrow when I can take her back to the vet?

Bathing her will do absolutely nothing other than stressing an already sick puppy. Offer her low-sodium chicken broth. If she won't drink it willingly, use a turkey baster or enema bulb to squirt a teaspoon at a time into the back of her mouth - hold her mizzle and stick the nozzle in at the back of her jaw. Give her 10 seconds between doses.

Is oblivion at alton towers scary (answers needed) x?

I am going to alton towers mid july and my friend is making me go on oblivion is it scary scary or more of a thrill I NEED ANSWERS XXX

What do i do with drama?and losing wieght?

Well school will be over soon so then the drama will be too I guess I suggest you get some new friends cause Ellie and cece don't sound like good friends at all and not good influences either I mean doing weed?? Holy crap I'm 12 and I wouldn't think 2 twice about it! And for losing should walk for an hour a day and after you eat it's really easy and since ur young it's much easier to loose weight also if you have a dog then walk it while you walk cause dogs always seem to make you want to walk fast (;

My Miniature Schnauzer was breathing funny today,and vomiting...?

if i was you i would bring him to the vet he could be ill. Our standard poodle had a similar problem and my mom took her to the vet.

Cat keeps vomitting her food right back up?

We have 2 cats. A male and a female. (The female's spayed. If that helps with anything.) But anyways, my girl cat lately has been vomitting her food back up after eating it instantly. We figured this came from the fact that she tries to hurry up and gobble up all her food because the male cat will come and push her out the way to eat her food. (They have separate bowls. But he feels the need to eat hers.) We're gonna take her to the vet just in case, but we need help to figure out how to help this problem and to keep the boy from eating her food.

What could be used on an island to make it self sufficient?

You do realize that there are actually people living in island nations that sustain themselves without electricity in this day and age. Towns and villages thrived without modern equipment too. I seem to remember reading about entire empires that dominated most of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East that did quite well without electricity so do you believe that this would be one of the main concerns of the few remaining survivors from a zombie takeover? I only ask because anyone caught in a survival situation won't be worrying about electricity as a priority. Water, shelter, food, and companionship are all basic needs, your ipod isn't. Sorry, I am a realist but I guess your novel is about zombies so realism isn't the focus. I would aim for a more primative living scenario using water wheels and windmills for things like irrigation and milling. Maybe eventually infrastructer and electricity would emerge but the transition from modern life to island isolation will be much more believable if you focus on the basics of human perseverence. I can imagine people sailing to the mainland (risking being eaten) to gather critical items like medications, basic tools, or maybe radios and batteries for communication but not to gather miles of wiring and computer components. Plus what the heck is going to be on the tube anyway, are the zombies going to start broadcasting the "Zombie Jersey Shore?" Just my two cents. Good luck with the story.

Alton Towers question?

16+ is adult, however from experience I know that normally they don't really ask so hopefully you should be fine. Good Luck and I hope you have lots of fun at Alton Towers. :D

So nobody seemed to care about the BIGGEST club in Italy winning the scudetto this season ?

Milan is NOT the biggest club there is, they got incredibly lucky this year. This is primarily because of Ibrahimovic leading the team the entire time. Seriously! He scored many of the club's goals this year. If he ever left, the team would feel the impact greatly. Don't boast too much about Milan.

Is the expression "Men are Pigs" from the bible?

Terror was on their hearts. Men can be afraid. Did you see how the demons knew Christ and his authority? The demons tremble in fear of God because they now!!! Little men or big ones with big mouths such as the New world Order / Illuminati 666 slaves. "Free" Masons and associates, Mafia 666 and Associates , New Age and associated witchcraft cults shall feel the same Terror.

Gaming computer help!!!?

Don't get the sandy bridge processor it has DRM built into it and may cause you major problems. Other wise looks good.

Come fare a far decollare o atterrare aerei con tower simulator?

ragazzi mi servirebbe una mano, ho appena iniziato a giocare a tower simulator riesco a portare gli aerei sulla pista d'atterraggio ma non riesco a farli decollare che devo fare?? non riesco nemmeno a fare atterrare un aereo.... HELP!!

I have a dell inspiron 545 slim tower pc integrated 256mb graphics.want to upgrade it.any suggestions?


Found and injured bunny, it's eating solid foods. now what?

that happened to my dog once. What I did was make him stay in one place I did not make him jump or run in any way for about 3 weeks. When animals are babies their bones stick together by itself.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Work on moderately steep roof?

On a house with a roof that is too steep to safely stand up, how can I install roofing tiles or do other work?

On A Hunt For A Book/Manga/Manhwa I Once Read?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why does my subwoofer only connect to two tower speakers?

I take it that this is just a set of speakers and you have a receiver that you are trying to hook them up to. The simple answer is just hook the speakers that you can't get to work directly to the receiver and bypass the interface on the subwoofer. It's unlikely that that interface does anything anyway. However, given the quality of these speakers I would be very hesitant to hook them up to anything except a test amplifier with ample protection circuitry. These are one of the notorious "White Van" brands of speakers. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Quality was not one of the factors that went into their design and they may well have impedance properties that could damage a receiver. I don't know what to tell you to do with them. If they were mine I'd either "vivisect" them being careful to recycle the parts properly or put them in the fire pit in my back yard where I burn yard waste. I'd be afraid to simply throw them out for fear that some innocent person would pick them up, try to use them and damage a perfectly good amplifier.

Revised poem of mine, what do you think?

It's delightful except for the meter in the last stanza, just a little tweaking will fix it though. I have a feeling you are going to become one of my favorites!

If you live in the Civic Tower in Portland, how do you like it?

I am thinking about moving in there. The location seems perfect. How is the noise level and how are the amenities?

Wi-Fi with computer put not ipod?

My lab top runs on Wi-Fi from my home router, but I can't get it on my ipod. My ipod shows the check mark and a good signal, but there is also a lock logo by the signal tower thing. I was just wondering how I would get it to work, so I could use the internet on my ipod touch? Thank you:)

Would this be OK for a prom dress?

Okay I looked at the dress and it is SIMPLY GORGEOUS!!! Idk about the white shoes or hair but either way you would look amazing i'm sure =) And the dress and make up would look amazing!! Just because your a bit more brute than your gf doesn't mean you can't be girly for one night =).. Have fun try something new and and just be happy =) that's all that really maters =)

Getafe sold to The Royal Emirates Group...wth!!!?

With a member of the Qatari ruling family buying Malaga, the Qatar Foundation becoming Barcelona's new shirt sponsor next season and now REG gobbling up Getafe, keep an eye out for the emirates' future acquisitions, which will include: Buying Spain's World Cup trophy, renaming La Liga "League Dubai," and sponsoring Gerard Pique's love interests. Actually, "Sheikh Butti" would probably be an awesome stage name for Shakira.

I'm pretty sure i'm in love with someone who has a girlfriend!?

Tell him your feelings and see where it goes from there. I mean he may feel a little awkward but then again if you do not then it will just hurt you to keep it all botteled in. OR you could wait until him and his girlfriend split up and make your move.

Is squid and cut up mackerel good bait for catching halibut and shark?

Any other suggestions,jigs, live bait, etc. I'm fishing off the rocks on a pier sort of thing with a tower lighthouse I think in Santa Barbara anything for shark too because I'm going for halibut thresher and leopard sharks manta Ray sting Ray and halibut need help Ty

Are there any sites with tutorials or tips for Tiny Tower, the ipod game?

You can check out this site

I have a 1 and a 6 year old mini dachshund. I dont have a problem keeping the older dachshund's weight contro?

MY baby girl, loves to go outside and eat anything she can catch outside to gobble. I was told I needed to put her on either a high protein meal or a weight management program. Neither one of them will hardly touch the weight management food. But will fill up outside. I realize she is just a baby, but I want to keep her weight in tact. What else can I do?

What does this dream mean?

Well I had a nightmare that I was strapped onto a gurney in a hospital and instead of going into the operating room I start going down a steep slope and then the hospital started looking little by little like hell and the paitents looked like demons. Then the doctors pushing my gurney morphed into demons as well and yelled "welcome to hell" and while I screamed and tried to get off the gurney they started laughing maniacly and flew away. Leaving me and the gurney engulfed in flames....... I've never been in the hospital for surgerys so don't say that it was my nervousness. I want to know what this dream means becuz I couldn't sleep for a while after it

How to make bitizens?

there is an ipod or iphone app called tiny tower. the people that populate this world are called bitizens. i was wondering if there is any sites or blogs or just anything as to how to make these people in paint perhaps.

What are some good tycoon games on the iPod touch?

I have hotel mogul, airplane tycoon 2, hotel tycoon, football manager, , tiny tower and that's about it but all I have kinda gOne off after a while. Pls help

What is the theme of this Holocaust poem:?

this poem is saying that despite hard times and rough times, you have to be strong and keep fighting. never give up for what you stand on and believe. in time, you shall gain what's yours and that's freedom.

How's my story so far?(fixed)?

sorry to tell you, it doesnt really make sense and if you love writing - carry on but i dont really think you'll get that far in writing novels, sorry xx

Are americans trying to devalue their currency, to avoid paying back the same amount of debt?

americans manipulating their currency to get out of debt? are there no levels these thugs will steep to?

Tea party businss names?

Hi all, I'm a new home tea party consultant with Steeped Tea Inc and I get to choose a tea party name for myself. I'm stumped, any suggestions?

I gave my hamster some corn, will it choke?

Ok so yesterday, I gave my hamster (it's a little white dwarf hamster, probably a winter white) 2 kernels of plain, hard corn (the kind that you use to make popcorn) and he gobbled it right up, with no problems. Bu then today i heard that hamster choke on corn so now i'm really worried, i've only had him a few days :/ there haven't been any signs of any problems, like he was perfectly fine in his exercise ball today, but i'm worried i could have harmed him... PLEASE HELP! also are hamsters ok with oatcakes?

Is Bill Maher right saying we don't have a Left and a Right party,we have center right party and a crazy party?

He's an elitist douche. He looks down on middle America even though his ideas are often incoherent based on an inconsistent and problematic philosophy, and worse yet he has the nerve to call himself a libertarian.

How can I tell how old my turkeys are?

I bought 5 turkeys and would like to know how to tell their age. I would ask the people who sold them, but they have since moved and changed their number. They aren't fully mature yet, and they don't gobble, but they are pretty big (at least twice the size of our large rooster). I'm guessing they are around 3 months. How much would a 3 month old Broad Brested Bronze weigh?

Would animal control check out this abuse case?

They probably would. Lazy 5 seems to be to lazy. They should change their name to "tolazytodoanythingin5ranch".

Monday, July 18, 2011

How do use the gameboy tower in pokemon stadium?

I know I can just play pokemon red on my gameboy but I just wanna try the gameboy tower or whatever on pokemon stadium. (pkmn stadium for the N64) but hoow do I do it? like how to put the game pak in? (btw,the game pak is the cardrige for the game right...?)

I am seeking any Best online book store?

Hi, I am looking the best Online Book Store from where can I purchase "The Last man in Tower" Written by 'Arvind Adiga'? Can anyone tell me Best online Store for it where I can get maximum Discount?

I need a new desktop Tower.?

The tower i own now is pitiful. I mean I'm pretty sure it was once good, roughly 15 years ago. It's a dinosaur and I'm desperate for a new one. It would be my family's desktop so it would have to run World of Warcraft, League of Legends, a few other games (free trials for other MMOs, Warcraft III, stuff like that). My dad likes to take a lot of pictures, so it would have to have enough memory to hold a ton of pictures, as well as picture editing and display software. Don't worry about the graphics card, i have a 9500 GT GeForce graphics card from nVidia that I thought could have things run a little more smoothly on my computer. I'm assuming i could just pop that out and put it in the new tower (correct me if I'm wrong). These requirements along with simple Microsoft Word files, Power Points, anything a freshman in college, a junior in highschool, and an 8th grader will need for homework and school. My tower now has roughly 200GB of memory, 1 1/2 GB of RAM, the 9500 GT GeForce graphics card, and i have no idea what the averages of any of these things are in today's tower models. I really appreciate any help. thanks

Looking for tattoo ideas on my inner bicep?

Get some inspiration or idea from looking at flash designs. There are free ones here at a href="" rel="nofollow"

Why does my Acer Aspire T180 desktop beep when plugged in and not power up?

I think that it was unplugged or shorted out while powered on. It won't turn on. The green power light comes on and a red light on top flashes while the tower just beeps at me. Do I need a new power supply or do I need a new computer?

Do you think a candidate can capture the young vote with this?

A candidate might be able to capture the youth vote with that position but they would lose those gains and older voters.

Are some weightlifting lifts harder for you than others? Are you strong in some lifts but weak in others?

I am new to deadlifting. I am a 36 year old guy who is 5'8" and I weight 170. I have only had two deadlifting sessions. But I must admit, deadlifting is a real pain in the neck for me. It just doesn't feel natural. It feels awkward. I am not used to lifting heavy weight with my lower back and my legs. But this might be because all I have done are upper body exercises the past couple years such as pull ups (5 sets of 10), push ups (100), sit ups (50), leg lifts (50), and bodyweight squats and bodyweight lunges. But I tried to deadlift for the first time a couple weeks ago and let's just say I have a long way to go. I don't do much weight and the most I have tried is 130 pounds and I did 10 reps. I am not tusre what my max would be but I don't think it would be much. This is going to be a steep uphill battle if I want to do my goal of 2.5 times my bodyweight.

In the videos of people plane spotting at airports, how do they hear the pilot and towers radio?

when i watch videos of plane spotting, thats when planes take off and land, the people can hear the tower and plane talking. how do they do this? heres an example. you can hear it from 0:00 to 0:06

Rides at alton towers?

i am 12 and going with my best friend she wants to go on all the rides. i am scared of going on big roller costers. what are some smaller ones which are not for little kids.

Proper use of sauna Help?

You want to be careful for the duration of time in a sauna. Typically you can limit yourself to 15-20 minutes. The sauna is designed to elminate impurities from your body through sweating. Just make sure you drink plenty of water. If you start feeling dizzy or like you might faint then you know you have been in long enough. I would not recommend doing exercises in the sauna, however.

Had a dream I was climbing up a steep hill .....?

Hills can symbolize difficulties and obstacles. A steep one would indicate especially difficult obstacles. Warfare can indicate conflict in your waking life. I am glad you are getting help from spiritual forces, as indicate by the white guy who helps you. White is the symbol of innocence and purity and Spirit; orange is the color of the second chakra and has to do with manifestation. Pray and meditate and ask for guidance and help during this difficult time - you will receive it and overcome the difficulties!

Should I be worried that my dog ate a grape?

I was eating grapes and accidentally dropped one and before I had a chance to pick it up my beagle gobbled it up. I know grapes are very toxic to dogs so I don't know if need to call the vet or if she'll be fine since it was just one. She's an older dog so I tend to worry about it her quite a bit. Thanks

A hiker climbs all day up a steep mountain path and arrives at the mountain top where he camps overnight.?

This is a simplified version of the Fixed Point Theorem in topology. The answer is A), and it's actually 100%. To see why, first draw a graph of the hiker's ascent on the trail as a function of the time of the day, distance from the trailhead, not elevation. Then draw the graph of his descent on the following day. The two graphs will cross somewhere, unless he either 1) reaches the bottom before he started out the day before, or 2) he starts down after the time of his arrival at the top the day before. We'll assume that neither 1) nor 2) is true, otherwise it would be impossible to decide any probability at all.

I am writing a sequel to the book Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins but from Peetas point of view.?

I LOVED that series. But you should probably get permission from Collins if you plan to publish it lol but so far it's pretty good

First Computer Rig Question?

try getting windows 7 64 bit if you havent 64 bit windows uses the 64 bit processor's full potential and try upgrading to a seagate momentus hyprid hard drive or if you have the money try getting a solid state drive which is 500 dollars for 250 gb's on ebay Solid state drives do not use disks like a hard drive, they use ram chips to store data so you can get bit rates up to 500 MB/s! instead of 100 mb's with hard disks


Call your veterinarian and ask him/her both question-when you should feed your dog, and when it will be safe to start brushing the dog's teeth. The veterinarian, knowing your dog, will be able to provide you with accurate information and answers to your questions.

Is this invitation a bit insensitive, and is my gift idea OK?

Tell her you cannot afford to go. For a gift send something involved with food (kitchen utensils, dishes, etc)

My Dog Just Ate A Remotely Large Piece Of Brownie Should I Be Really Worried?

Shes A Pup, around one, we just adopted her yesterday, and i left the room for a second with a brownie on a plate and she gobbled it up and belched. im really worried because chocolate is bad for dogs. what should i do? please help!

I love roller coasters, why am I scared of flat rides?

I know, for most people it's the other way around. And I don't get motion sickness. I will go on any roller coaster, but I have to really think before going on a flat ride. I went to Kings Dominion and rode the Intimidator 305, but then it was really embarassing because I wouldn't go on the Drop Tower, Berserker, or Crypt. I will say to my friends, "I will ride any roller coaster, it's the flat rides that I'm not so sure about." Then they will look at me like I'm crazy. So why am I like this and what do I do about it?

Dreaming a lot about beaches lately, what could it mean?

There are many reasons for that. You may have studied them in psychology. It is a kind of a kind of mind disturbance like maybe you want to visit a beach badly but you can't or you are going to or have gone to a beach in a short period of time or you have some bad experiences connected with a beach and you are recalling it these days. In some cases, we are dreaming about something normal, like a beach but your mind flashes the memories of the beach and then you dream about it for quite some time because your brains sector for dreams has got something to remember and if you think of it in some other way, (many people do) you may get these messages in a religious or paranormal manner, for example about destiny or what is going to happen in the future. Well i do not understand about the bikini. Maybe you want a bikini badly too........... :-D

Missing Person. How to get last cell tower ping from Verizon?

We are looking for a missing person and I am wondering if anyone knows how we can get information on the last cell tower ping that her phone had before running out of battery a week ago.

Do you like my short story?

it is good just things that bugged me: how could a MOVING van be SITTING? doesn't make sense to me... "a tear splashed on the floor" it is described to heavily, a tear is a tiny drop of water, only except you are narrating from an ant's perspective... keep working on it though

How to remove the laser from a desktop tower?

im doing a project that i need the laser to. i need to be able to attach a AA batery pack to the laser for power. (im making a burning laser pen) but i need to know how to remove the laser and attach a new power supply(batterys) to the laser. so any help would be appreciated

Why Does Vista Keep Restarting?

Whenever I turn off my monitor (JUST the monitor, NOT the actual computer tower) and then I turn it back on, it restarts my computer. Why? How do I make it stop? It's really driving me crazy, so please help. It never use to do this.

Help needed with car problem?

When going up steep hills I accelerate for more power and engine revs but car takes a few seconds to respond, just as if I was driving an automatic and it is changing gear. I do not lose speed, just takes a few secs to go faster. I had this problem a few weeks ago, when front brake was binding and getting hot. I had that fixed and it didnt happen again until yesterday but I noticed front wheel was hot again. My garage thinks that this is just a coincidence and that I need new clutch but I have no problem changing gear, or pulling off on really steep hills or holding car on clutch/first gear while waiting to pull out so I cant see problem with clutch. I have a Mitsubishi space star

30 mins at the gym-- 20 mins cardio, 10 mins weights, 4 days a week, enough to lose weight?

maybe you should try eating more because eventually this backfires - as you get so hungry that you binge like crazy and gain it all back. The workout sounds good though, that sounds like a good plan for weight loss.

How can I keep my mountain bike chain from coming off in rough sections?

Depends which gear you are on when you start the downhill. If your chain is on the middle ring and a fairly large cog in back, it will be under enough tension that it won't be likely to come off. If the chain is on the small ring in front and a small cog in back, it won't be under much tension and will be much more likely to fall off.

Why is Customer Service Beneficial?

How is customer service beneficial for Customers, Workers and owners of a Theme park...for example Alton towers? please provide some reasons why its beneficial

How do you open a store in tiny tower?

i have to ipod touch and i cant figure out how to open one of my stores in the game tiny tower. theres a little orange exclamation point at the bottom of the screen and at the top of the store it says "closed" so how can i open it?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is everyone seriously this ignorant?

First of all i would like to say that I am atheist. I am also Hindu. People get confused when i tell them this and say that how can i be both Hindu and atheist when Hindus worship hundreds of Gods and Goddesses when atheism worships none. This may get complicated so please bear with me. Hinduism is more of a way of life than a religion, it promotes non violence, vegetarianism, and other moral beliefs, in fact, it itself states that the so called idols are there for symbolism not literal worship, although most Hindus do not understand this because of the way they were raised. Hinduism is a care free religion in a way, it states that religion is like a mountain, there are many paths to get to the top, some are bumpy, some are long, some are steep, but they all lead to one destination, every single one of them. Don't get me wrong ignorance is not a bad thing, it is pure and simply, a lack of knowledge. Everyone is ignorant to a certain extent, but we Hindus are not elephant worshiping fanatics.

Is this guy who is not yet my bf messing with my head? ?

I met this guy on a night out we have been texting. He picked me up in his car. Everything was going gd. But when he lent in for a kiss he bit on my neck instead real hard for like 5 seconds. Then he spat chewing gum in my hair. He says nice things to me all the time. But another concern is. We was going up a steep hill the other day and where at the botton there are cars coming from each side. He rolled his car down it a bit and sed wud u like to die. And if I was to roll all the way do u think we wud survive? One min he can say nice things and call me babe and the next he will be real nasty. What do I do?

What to do since my baby fawns won't eat?

my family and i bought two baby fawns two days ago, at 7 days old. so today they're nine days old. they're both girls and one is bigger than the other. they were both fine the day they got here and were settling to the new environment but yesterday morning the larger fawn didn't want to eat for her first feeding, second, third or fourth. the other just gobbles it all down in a minute. today their feeding is supposed to go up another half oz but the larger one still won't eat. her digestive system seems to be working regularly so I don't know what the case is... help?

Trek vs. Hardrock, which is better?

I will be soon getting my first mountain bike and I am looking at two bikes. The first is the 2011 Trek 3500, the other is the 2011 Hardrock Specialized. Both are at the top of my price range ($400). Niehter bikes have disk brakes. I usually ride on a loose gravel path that has hills (but not with steep hills) and will have my Siberian Husky running beside me. Which bike is better?

A question about rollercoasters?

so ive never been on a loopy coaster or steep drop one...i only go to cedar point amd canadas wonderland. what are good beginner loopy coasters? i was thinking about corkscrew at cedar point or dragon fire at canadas wonderland? and what does it feel like to go on a loop or corkscrew??

Home remedies for cat infection (kind of a long but sad story about a lost baby kitten, please help!)?

The story goes that me and my fiancee found a little kitten in my future in laws barn when we were going there to visit late at night a few days ago. We heard a distant cry for help as soon as we pulled in the drive way that was made by a cat and so we went a got a flashlight to go find what it was about and outside in the barn we see this dirty little tiny kitten behind a stack of wood covered in plant stickers with no mother or other litter of kittens around so we figured it was accidentally left behind or something. i picked it up to bring it in the house to examine it and in the light we see that its eyes had to of been infected, so much so that its eye lids were completely shut with goopy infectous dried up mucus or something like that and the cat was completely blind due to it couldnt open its eyes. It kept bumping into things and it looked so skinny like it was starved and needed food so we gave it some milk and some cat food and the little kitten gobbled it up fast. It also sneezes alot too. My heart instantly went out to this kitten and im not even a cat person at all but to see a little baby life who is blinded by an eye infection and all alone and scared with no mom and cant even see where its going and has no idea how to take care of itself I just felt amazingly sorry for it and felt the need to do whatever i could to help it out. now let me just say that through many searches online I already know that the absolute best option for a cat eye infection is going to a vet and home remedies in most cases arent recommended and I already made a vet appointment in town yesterday for today (tuesday) but just my luck my car wouldnt start and i just called to reschedule and they didnt have another appointment till friday and i just hate to make this cat suffer another 3 days like this im not sure if this is eating away at its eyes or what. It has gotten better since we found it because the left eye is starting to open and i think it can see now but barely. We tried calling the pound too and they said they would take it in but we also know through rumors of pounds we hear that they dont put much effort into helping animals and are very quick to put them to sleep to save money and this kitten has already broke our hearts with what its gone through that our conscience just says lets try to help this poor thing ourselves and take it to our own vet. One problem is we already have 2 cats so a third cat and plus our own baby on the way will be hard but we will deal with that later i guess, maybe find it a home ourselves but first we are trying to get the little baby kitten healty, any suggestions at all? is there something we can do at home that will bring this poor creature back to health or is the best option just to make it sit in a small cage until friday, its in a cage because we dont know if its infection is contagious so we also wear rubber gloves when handling it. Also it is dirty from being lost and I suggested giving it a bath but my fiancee said she thought she heard a cat can go into shock if you give it a bath, is that true? It also seems to eat enough but doesnt seem to drink as much as it should or at least i dont see it drinking as much as it should so any suggestions on that? any information will be greatly appreciated this cat has broken our hearts and we are trying anything to get it healthy again! please help! thanks alot in advance

Does your dog like avocados?

I fed mine (a pit bull) two avocados today and she gobbled them up! Ha hah! Is this normal? Do all dogs like avocados?

Is it normal for my hedgehog not to try any new foods?

My hedgehog will eat his dry cat food but I can't get him to eat anything else. I've tried apples, carrots, strawberries, and lettuce and he'll nibble at them and then self-annoint himself but he won't eat any of it. He used to eat a little bit of the carrots when I first got him (I've had him for like a year now). Also, when I first started feeding him mealworms he loved them but after a several months he was less interested and wouldn't gobble them up immediately like before--he'll bite into it and leave it and if i put it in his food dish he'll eat it later. I keep reading on the internet about proper nutrition for hedgies and how they love treats and I'm getting frustrated/concerned. Is this normal behavior?

Kurt cobain and Buddhism ?

Well I am a huge fan of nirvana and Kurt Cobain. Being obsessed with him and all I pretty much gobbled up everything I could find that had anything to do with him. Anyways I read that he was interested in Buddhism. I have been studying Buddhism for a while and based on the problems that Kurt had to deal with in his life, I think that if he would have pursued Buddhism a lo of his pain would have been alleviated. So to anyone that is familiar with Kurt Cobain and Buddhism, do you agree?

A question on how to steep green tea?

Hi, I just got a tea catalog and it says green tea should be made with slightly cooler water between 170-190 degrees.....I let the tea kettle start whistling then wait ten seconds then steep my green tea, wondering how much longer I should wait for this temperature....also does it affect it that much? I would hate to think that all the green tea I've had did nothing for my health.....thank you......

My str-dh510 stereo is in protect mode?

my str-dh510 sony stereo is in protect mode it starts up and PROTECT and shuts off my cat jumped on my tower and the wire crossed and thats then it started so is there an easy fix or what or should i just toss the thing out the window need help

Are green grapes bad for dogs?

I was told that grapes are as bad for dogs as chocolate. My beagle loves to chase and roll grapes around before gobbling them up. We play this game about once every two weeks,consuming maybe four grapes....should i stop this practice?

For the past month or so, I have been unable to stay connected to a black ops game.?

I used to be disconnected from Xbox live completely and every device on my network would be disconnected from the internet every 5 minutes (due to our ISP tower getting struck by lightning) but now its just games. I can sometimes stay in for a whole game but usually I'll be disconnected within 5 minutes. My NAT is open, UPNP is enabled, ISP is Partnership Broadband. Also, the disconnection is even more frequent if other network devices are connected to the internet.

My computer is shutting down after start up , please help me ,?

my computer is shutting down just after start up , mother board Asus P5N Mx , hard drive Hitachi , processor : intel Core 2 duo , Dvd writer : LG . i had frontech desktop speakers when i attached then to the computer the problem started at that time , i taken them out now . It's not starting at all . i took out the panel on the tower of the computer the motherboard has a green indicator light , have a microtek Ups . please some help me

What was the internet game where you make political decisions and towers would either shrink or rise?

By game I mean ONLINE AND FREE, like addicting But I click on an ad or something and came upon it. Played it for hours. But I forgot the name. Plus, you would have to choose 3 badges that you would like to earn, and well you would earn them if you succeeded in reaching your goals. I know it sounds lame, but it's quite fun.

Which vehicle is better? A 2008 BMW 328i or a 2008 Mercedes C300?

Hey guys, so I'm in the market for a compact luxury sports car. So far I have narrowed it down to both the BMW 3 series and the Mercedes C-class. Initially my favorite car was actually the 2009-2011 Infiniti G37 sedan but my mom beat me to it, so buying another one would just look weird. I love the styling in the BMW as well as its over all driving dynamics however the Mercedes C300 sport feels more refined and for the most part Ive heard a lot more reliable then a BMW. Any suggestions?? By the way the Audi A4 is nice but I dont like the previous generation A4, the new A4 is still priced a bit steep even when used. So BMW or Mercedes?

Someone answer this question - grammar help!?

The F�te Nationale, also known as Jean-Baptiste Day, originated more than 2,000 years ago in pre-Christian Europe. It began as a pagan celebration of the summer solstice and later took on a religious undertone. Today, the holiday remains purely secular and steeped with patriotism.

What kind of sauces go well with sweet potato fries?

I have these delicious, scrumptious, yummy sweet potato waffle fries waiting to be gobbled up. But what kind of sauces go well with it? Creamy or tangy? sweet or spicy?

Is there any software that can see who is on your wifi network and how much bandwidth is used?

both my kids use the internet heavily on my home wifi network. we have a 2mb adsl line which is easily gobbled up using youtube , downloading songs or surfing. i would like to install some software that could first of all detect who is using my wifi bandwidth and how much of the total in being used

Why do I have less gum in the back after taking out wisdom tooth?

It didn't hurt for me to get it taken out. No problems at all!! just wondering why when I run my tongue back in my mouth where the tooth was, why does it feel like the gums go back steep. Like I don't have much gums!???

Why Were The Twin Towers Attacked On 9/11?

Why On That Date? Why The Towers? The Pentagon? Which People Were Behind it?Ring Leader? Why Attack America? Sears Tower Attack Coming?

What should I do with the Hill in my front yard?

I have a hill along the road that spans 150 feet long and it's 18 feet wide. It's pretty steep and I HATE mowing it. You can sit on the rider to cut the grass but you REALLY have to lean to one side or you could roll over. I am thinking of planting cattails in the ditch since it's REALLY wet all the time. I was also thinking of working my way out from the driveway and taking my time planting different things as I go. Like certain wildflowers that come back every year Etc. Any other ideas????

First time snake owner, help me out?

I had a snow corn snake, about the same size. It did the same thin at first, but they will eat when their hungry. I know it's worrying, but try not to. It will be fine!

Do you guys realize that many of the problems you have with the bible are a result of bad translations?

I realize that. I didn't know the Hebrew Bible authors were teenage girls, though, with all of that ~~~ everywhere.

Please help with my hamster?

probably not something you want to hear.. but i know if i was you i would do everything best to just make sure that he is comfortable for when the time comes that he leaves the world.. make sure you always tell him you love him & even though he's a hamster you should just hold him & basically cuddle with him let him know that you love him; just because hes an animal doesnt mean he doesnt understand that kinda thing. all he needs is love right now. just as you would treat a love one treat him i know that sounds very corny & what not but animals need to feel love as well you know?. i had a hamster for 4 years.. everyday i told him i loved him before school... my 8th grade year i left in a rush & didnt tell him.. i went to my moms & then came home that night to find that he had passed away.. i feel its my fault because i didnt let him know i loved him... =\ not saying thats whats going on here but he needs more love than mine ever did. good luck & keep your head up.

Why is my Appature F - Stop stuck at 0 ?

I have a Nikon D7000 only got it a few weeks ago and am still adjusting to it. As far as I know I've done nothing out of the ordinary with it but when i turned it on the other day I found my F stop was stuck at 0 and i am unable to change it, I have tried in all modes (i usually use manual) but it wont budge, there is like a little triangle that looks like a steep hill sign before the F which is not usually there. the shutter speed and everything else can still be adjusted fine. I have looked through my manual but can't find anything helpful. PLEASE HELP ME :-(

If the solar system formed out of a supernova explosion...?

yes, a nearby supernova explosion formed the heavy elements. BUT. when the sun was young, it formed a protoplanetary disk. where all the heavier elements sank to the sun. (helium, hydrogen) but the lighter elements spread all throughout the outer solar system (the gas giants today). while the heavier elements formed the terrestrial planets. (the four inner planets). as the answer below. stars have to consume all of its lighter weights in order to use its heavier elements. thats what makes it swell up and explode into a supernova. my answer is the best accepted scientific theory. look it up.

Relationship with cat and Neigbours cat!? Read on cos it's hard to explain in a few words. ?

You need to take the time every day to work on bonding with your cat. There are lots of things you can do to strengthen the bond with her, I have a website with lots of helpful info and suggestions and an article all about bonding with your cat. Hope this helps.

Worth it to get PowerMac G5?

For $250, it's worth it. If you want a desktop, it'll be a good computer to have if your macbook's monitor is small and you want the convenience of a desktop.

What should i build on my empty floor in tiny tower for ipod?

I already have a residential, a food, A recreational and a service floor. What should i make the next one? Residential, creative or retail? Whats the most worth it?

Can dogs eat un cooked pork roll and is a pork roll pre cooked?

we have to give my dog pills so we slip it into a pork roll and he gobbles it down but i want to know, we just cut it up out of the fridge, is it safe do give a dog pork roll fom the fridge without cooking it

Speakers won't go loud?

I have two tower speakers each with a 12 inch sub that have an output of atleast 250 watts each. I have them hooked up to a receiver which outputs 125 watts per channel. Could it be that I need a better receiver with more watts per channel? Or what can I do to have my speakers at full potential? Oh and my speakers are not blown out or anything.

Why did osama want to attack on twin towers ?

He wanted to kill thousands of innocent people. He went to the Twin Towers because it was a big target area. You can find movies and books about the attack for move info. You can go online for more info about it.

Is it ok to drive a riding mower a couple miles on a paved road or is it bad for the mower?

I need to get my daughters lawn mowed and she lives a couple miles away. I have no way to haul it. It is a Snapper. Can I drive it down the road to her house? Will it make it up a steep hill? Will it damage my mower?

My ten year old 7lb poodle hasn't wanted to eat her kibble lately.?

Last week she ran out of the purina lamb and rice (with meaty pieces) food that I always have bought her, and coincidentally, I wanted to try Purina for Sensitive Systems for her. She ate a little sunday night, and monday morning had diarrhea. I called my vet, and they said because of me not slowly blending it overtime, that was a normal reaction for her. She also told me to return to her usual food. Which I did, but for two days she did not want to eat any. Concerned, I went back to the vet and bought their bland diet canned food for her, and she gobbled it up right away. I've been giving her this for three days now, because she still will not eat her kibble even if she hasn't had anything else. I'm wondering if she's "traumatized" thinking that the Purina Lamb and Rice was what made her sick, and therefore doesnt want to eat it? Any suggestions? Or any other dry food that might work well for her? I know you're not supposed to change their food too often, because that can make them sick as well as make them picky eaters. I am going to take her to the vet next monday for a teeth cleaning, and I will ask questions then as well, I am just wondering if there is something else other than the bland food I can do for her to get her back to eating dry kibble. Even if I blend the bland food and kibble, she spits out the kibble! Any suggestions? She is still acting like her normal self, there are no signs that anything is not "normal" other than her not wanting to eat kibble specifically. Thanks, and sorry this was long, just wanted to get all the details out!

How do i lose fat around my upper arms?

i'm actually pretty skinny but my arms seem to have gobbled up all my fat so my arms are so huge. i know that to lose fat in a particular area, you have to lose fat all around your body. but i don't want to look TOO skinny around my stomach area and stuff. any ideas?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Automatic car 'lurches forward' on hills?

Apply the handbrake until you get a better feel for driving this vehicle but also check the transmission fluid level as well.

0bama admits, entitlements are gobbling up the budget; he says they must be “on the table." Are they really?

Of course they need to be put on the table and with the passage of the Ryan bill yesterday they will. But, will the President consider the reform of these programs? Not likely. His plan to get elected will be using class warfare and this bill gives him all the ammo he needs to do just that. He doesn't understand what the bill entails and won't listen either. He praised Ryan for putting out a "serious document" that will address the issues before us, and then in his "budget" speech he openly slammed Ryan. He will demigouge this to death.

What skyscraper in Chicago is fairly dark at night but has a top floor with a glowing pink/purple floor?

Visited Chicago with a friend and while we were downtown we spotted a tower that was wasn't very lit up for most of the floors, but the top floor or near the top was completely lit up with a pinkish purple light.

I cant find a transport to Alton towers!?

i live in skipton, north yorkshire and would like to get a bus/train to alton towers but where evere i look i cant find a bus service from skipton that goes to alton towers. and i have found a train but it goes to london first then back up north to alton towers? and cost 205 quid! well to much if you ask me. can any1 help?

Can someone thoroughly explain why updating roaming is important on a cell phone?

I know it has something to do with local towers, but I don't understand what it does. Please explain? (:

My 2yrs old pom/chi mix seems to enjoy tormenting my autistic son. Any ideas?

Cookie has become somewhat aggresive towards my 28yr old autistic son. She will wait outside his bedroom door for him up to come out then will pounce on him, barking, nipping at his feet & legs. Then she will run downstairs to her bowl & gobble up any food or treats like she is trying to keep them from him & if he attempts to pick up one of her toys she will attempt to bite him. It's obvious she can sense the differences in him but he is by no means aggressive towards her & even feeds & cleans up after her. She does this constantly and I havent a clue how to stop it...

I've just started solids but not sure what I'm doing!?

First off, it is not recommended to give children baby food in bottles, this can lead to tooth decay. Instead replace the morning bottle with just the baby cereal mixed with either steril water or formula/breast milk. For dinner time you can give something like minced chicken, corn, and mashed potatoes and for desert minced banana.

Could the US Post Office raise the money for operating costs by making an IPO like Harley-Davidson did?

Harley Davidson was about BROKE before THEY went public, and people GOBBLED up their shares, bringing them out of near BANKRUPTCY!

I think my ferret is sick!?

he is normally full of energy and happy and excited to get out of his cage. today when i went to clean his cage he did not run out of the cage like normal. i placed him on the floor and he walked around on shaky legs. i looked at him and saw a small jelly blob of poop next to him. he continued to try to poop but nothing came out. i pup him back into cage and he fell asleep. i gave him some ferret lax twice now and tryed to give him water his normal food and some duk soup. he ate all the ferret lax i gave him but ate nothing else. he normally will gobble up any treats or duk soup i give him. when i look at his he just looks sick. i will be going to the vet soon so dont say that i need to take him. what could it be and how can i help him out ?? thank you.

At what height do men generally never feel 'towered'?

I mean if your about 6'0 do you EVER feel towered by another man? generally there is a 5-6 inch rule to feeling towered and once you hit 6 foot, the chances of someone being 5 or 6 inches taller then you is pretty slim

Whom do former Jehovah's Witnesses believe are true Christians?

jehovah witness and christianity are all man-made, just like any other religion. anyone can make a religion thousands of years before hand and have millions of followers. i believe there's a creator but he was high as hell when he made us and clearly doesn't give a **** about this universe. he's a porn director.

How is my build and what should I charge for it?

I think that considering what your computer is capable of, that you could easily charge over $18,000. This is for graphic design, 3D rendering and video editing, I presume. I recommend that you add in a sound card anyway. Doesn't have to be super top notch, but a sound card will greatly benefit anyone who needs to hear sound on the workstation, especially people who are doing sound editing and video editing.

Can someone proofread this?

The F�te Nationale, also known as Jean-Baptiste Day, originated more than 2,000 years ago in pre-Christian Europe. It began as a pagan celebration of the summer solstice and later took on a religious undertone. Today, the holiday remains purely secular and steeped with patriotism.

How can I feed a goldfish that can't see?

I have three 4 inch goldfish that I bought at Wal-Mart when they were still small. When my oldest one turned 1 year old I bought them a huge new fish tank(25 gallons).They were having some problems but I've gotten those straightened out. However, one of the fish, while they were having problems, started to get some sort of cloudy white buildup on his eyes, making it look as if they were sticking out. The white stuff is gone, but I don't think he can see! The other two goldfish gobble up the food when I put it in there, but Blackie(the supposed blind one) just sits there. I think he may be getting food by poking around at the bottom every two days, but that's not enough. Help me!

Are some weightlifting lifts harder for you than others? Are you strong in some lifts but weak in others?

I am new to deadlifting. I am a 36 year old guy who is 5'8" and I weight 170. I have only had two deadlifting sessions. But I must admit, deadlifting is a real pain in the neck for me. It just doesn't feel natural. It feels awkward. I am not used to lifting heavy weight with my lower back and my legs. But this might be because all I have done are upper body exercises the past couple years such as pull ups (5 sets of 10), push ups (100), sit ups (50), leg lifts (50), and bodyweight squats and bodyweight lunges. But I tried to deadlift for the first time a couple weeks ago and let's just say I have a long way to go. I don't do much weight and the most I have tried is 130 pounds and I did 10 reps. I am not tusre what my max would be but I don't think it would be much. This is going to be a steep uphill battle if I want to do my goal of 2.5 times my bodyweight.

2003 Volkswagen Jetta 2.0 underpowered?

Just test drove this car. On the surface it didn't seem too underpowered, but there are a lot of reviews saying the car is "severely" or "horribly" underpowered with the 115 hp engine. I mean, it was a bit slow going up a really steep hill but it seemed to pick up fine and all. I'm mostly going to be in a flat city in a different state, with a few long highway trips throughout the year to go back and forth. I can get a great deal on the car. Should I do it? Will I be able to cruise at 80/85 on the highway?

Can you use a verizon phone on the straight talk service?

I dont see why you cant use a verizon phone, since some straight talk phones run off the verizon towers. Let me know your experiences.

What kind of 650 / 750 / 850 watt PSU to buy for my pc?

I have an HP Pavilion a6712f Desktop PC, and I'm thinking of buying an new PSU. I'm not sure what kind of PSU is compatible with my computer and what to buy, either 650 / 750 / 850 watt PSU. I'm also not sure if one of the three PSU will fit my computer tower.

Question in feeding a lizard?

I caught a blue bellied lizard outside of my house a few days ago and he is doing great. I am feeding him crickets every other day but I am not sure o how many I should feed him. Today, I fed him two, and he gobbled them up. I am wondering if I should feed him more, or not?

Does a front wheel or a rear wheel driven car utilizes the maximum torque while climbing on 1st gear?

In both circumstances, weight is transferred to the back of the vehicle, so typically, while driving up a steep grade or hauling a heavy load in the back of the vehicle, rear-wheel drive is more effective in transferring torque to the wheels and moving the vehicle forward. Seen any front-wheel drive trucks lately?

My mature Needle fish has stopped eating.?

this could be a sign of distress. i doubt it is caused by you moving the other needle fish but it could. I suggest checking your water parameters because there could be a nitrate spike or ammonia spike which could cause him to act this way.

Can quantities be equal to each other?

Has anyone actually proven that two quantities can be equal to each other, or is it just accepted as true? If there is a proof, could someone direct me towered it? I'm extremely curious.

Ive casted a demon into a pig before. do you hate me for that?

LOL, why would I hate you for that? Are you sure you really did? When I cast demons out I send them back to hell, and they go.

Really Weird, Vivid dreams?

Your brain is very much a holographic computer and you can program this biological computer to perform certain functions. This is how you master Out Of Body lucid dreaming. An out of body lucid dream is when you feel as though you're actually PHYSICALLY THERE IN YOUR DREAM. When you lie down to go to sleep, close your eyes and try to imagine a nice place where you'd really like to be. Try to imagine that you're really there PHYSICALLY. Now while you're imagining all of this, repeat 100 times an affirmation like, "I NOW HAVE A FULLY CONSCIOUS OUT OF BODY LUCID DREAM." Make sure that you do this mental exercise every single time you lie down to go to sleep, seven days a week. Make sure that you don't think about anything except the affirmation and what you're visualizing before you fall asleep and that its the last thing on your mind before you fall asleep, otherwise IT WON'T WORK. You can in fact have lucid dreams in which case you feel certain that you're actually physically there. I promise you that it will feel so real to you and that you will have so much control over your dream, that it will frighten you with excitement. You'll wake up the next day feeling very THRILLED at what you've accomplished. You can learn to do all kinds of far out things in your lucid dreams. You can gain more control over the cells and organs in your body and totally heal yourself. You can learn to freeze time in your lucid dreams and stay inside your dream for very long periods of time. To give you an idea of how REAL kind of dream is, then let me ask you a question. How do you know that you're not really sound asleep right now at this very moment? Are you really sitting in front of your computer reading all of this data? How do you know that you're not really dreaming all of this? This is how real OOBLD (Out Of Body Lucid Dreaming) really is. Its very important that you NEVER smoke marijuana or drink alcoholic beverages when doing this mental exercise. This also includes mind altering pharmaceutical drugs. Stay away from all of these things or you will FAIL. Make sure that you remember not to think of anything else while doing this mental exercise before you fall asleep or you will FAIL. Soon, I myself will be a master Lucid Dreamer. You can use lucid dreaming to entrain yourself to learn other things. You can enhance your intelligence through lucid dreaming. I hope this info that I've given you will help you, take care!

This disgusting trick made somebody faint. Should I be proud?

Well I would laugh but it is not very inventive and has been done before, the fact that you bought the fake poo sort of degrades the originality of the trick, I know some one who rolled up a piece of putty into a dirty looking imitation of a big bogie then st on our canteen at work and made out that he was sitting there picking his nose and then pulled out this bogie that was about half an inch long, the reaction from the people sitting at the same table was great, it was hilarious, original, funny and his own idea, that is what I call a great prank.

Which subs should i buy?

Most people will say kicker, but kicker IS good if you want a lot of bass but kickers are NOT clear and are just loud and disorted. the cleanest clearest best one you listed is the alpine typr r. I LOVE alpine and that amp would rock your car amazingly and clearly. The MTX us a good system but its nto worth that much, the polk is good but not as good as the alpine. that one alpine with 1000watts is probaly louder deeper and clearer then both the polks together. so to sum it up the MTX isnt worth it. the polk's arent the best deal but are decent. the kickers are the loudest but are distorted and not clear. the alpine is the clearest and deepest and hits pretty hard too and youll never find a deal that good for that cheap again.

My family and i don't get along. what should i do?

I also support that you should leave. Its not safe or healthy for you to stay in that type of environment. I wish you luck and just be safe.... don't let them push you around. But it amazes me how strong you have stay through this experience. Again stay strong and I will pray for you.(:

My cat absolutely loves peas?

My kitten absolutely LOVES peas. She throws a fit if I'm eating them and I do not share with her - so lately I've been letting her eat them whenever she pleases. She gobbles them down in seconds. Are they okay for her?

Walking my horse uphill and downhill, is this good for its muscles?

I ride my horse, jump, do all that, and I thought it would be a good muscle building idea to lunge her at a walk on my steep grass hill, so she is walking up and down the hill repeatedly. What will this help her body with? I would feel more confident about it if I knew how it was helping her body

What difference would I see with a more expensive bike?

Right now I have a Schwinn sidewinder that I got a walmart last year for around $150. I rode it alot and for $150 its a decent bike. But I would like to get into more serious bike riding this summer with a little rougher terrain and steeper climbs. I have about a $500 budget, and right now I'm looking into a Trek, possibly a 3700 Disc model and was just wondering what the main differences in performance would be between the $150 bike I have now and a bike in the $500 range? The main thing I am looking for is being able to climb steeper hills without much more effort, but don't know if this would be the case since both the bike I have now, and the models I am looking at are 21 speed. Would a better model 21 speed be better at climbing than the $150 21 speed I have now or would they be about the same since they are both 21 speed?

Is there a political philosophy that is pro legislature?

well, i've noticed that in seperation of powers the executive and legislative branches gobble power up the longer they are around. like the judicial branch in the e.u. and the executive branch over the past 250 yrs in u.s.a. so i was wondering if any person/group believes/says this. and is then pro legislature, maybe saying that legislatures should have a slight handicap in seperation of powers.

Baby ate 2 jars of pears successfully, now will not touch baby food?

My son is 5 months old and his doctor said that it would be ok to try him on stage one baby foods. We started with pears as was recommended by our doctor. He LOVED it, gobbled down a jar a day for the first 2 days with no trouble at all. Ever since (about a week and a half) I have tried every day because they said to keep them on the same food (if they actually eat it) for 4 days before switching foods. But now every time I give him any, he just spits it out and acts very uninterested... do you think that maybe I should try a different food? Maybe he just doesn't like pears.. I'm making sure he's hungry when I try but he just doesn't want the pears. What would you do? Thanks.

What do these 2 very long vivid dreams mean?

Let's go with the first one. Whatever goals you set for yourself, you realize that only you can accomplish them. The shedding of the weight (both the books and your figure) means that you need to get rid of things in your life that hold you back or down. reaching the hilltop at night time is that this will be a lifelong quest for you to attain, but that you may not truly reach your goals (the mansion with the party)

Is WALKING UPHILL bad your Knees/?

Falling on them is hard on them, it usually causes the tendons to tighten up. Walking isn't going to affect anything unless there is already a problem.

Friday, July 15, 2011

St marys church in kirkby lonsdale, Cumbria. Why is the clock offset from the centre of the tower ?

Where can I find a very good power supply for a micro-atx form factor?

Odd. Micro-ATX refers to the size of the motherboard, as in its physical dimensions. It doesn't have anything at all to do with PSU that is compatible with it. PSU do have several different form factors as well but they have to do with the chassis they are installed in. If you have a full tower case then it should fit any standard ATX PSU (there are a few expections but these are generally well documented if you google your specific case) and they come in a wide array of wattage. If you need a smaller form factor PSU they are often limited in wattage by their smaller size and the fact there is little demand for high power PSU in slim/micro cases.

Do you think the Bible is a load of made-up gobble-di-****?

I've been a Christian all my life, so last week I decided to read the Bible. I got a few pages in, and they started talking about a talking snake. I know snakes don't talk, so I decided the story was just made-up. What do you think?

Looking for model skyscrapers?

I'm thinking of building a model city but I need some futuristic model skyscrapers. I'm thinking along the lines of -- Ryugyong Hotel, Nakagin Capsule Tower, Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, Tokyo City Hall Tower I, Khan Shatyr, Burj Khalifa, Emirates Office Tower, Burj Dubai, One Central Park, CN Tower, Islamic Bank Towers, The Index, Xerox Tower. I'll also need some apartment buildings too. Please give links. Thanks!

Why did my black moor goldfish die?

you just fed him too much dont feel sad okay? my fish just died right. now. i use water ager too my fish died because it was sick from the pet store and it was too weak to run away from the filter next time get fish that know how to share its food and a pinch of food would do well! Best of luck rip your fish

Have you ever had the breath knocked out of you?

it happed to me at a soccor game this huge im mean humongus girl kicked it and it hit me right in the gut and i couldnt breath it hurt sooooooo much

My cat is becoming ill, but I don't have the money. HELP!?

There amy be organizations in your area that will help. It is extremely important that you get the cat to professionsal help. 4 days without eating is usually terminal. Ask your local vet for assistance. Hurry, this cannot wait, the cat will die is not given help immediately.

Is my computer the best?

I have a 500 watt 5 channel sound system, GTX 590 intel i7 990x cpu, 2tb HD+ 200 GB SS raid 0 12 gigs of ram 1800 mhz liquid cooled full tower system, with rat9 mouse and saitek keyboard aswell as 3 screen surround setup with LED and 3d vision glasses. The best or wut?

My gecko isn't eating on her own, can someone please help?

I just recently got a 4 month old, female, african fat tail gecko from a repltile convention. I also already have a male leopard gecko. For feeding I put the geckos in a bin with paper towel bedding, and throw a few crickets and let them catch and eat them, so they don't swallow any of the substrate that is in their terrariums. My leopard gecko gets the job done, but my younger fat tail doesn't. She just sits there. She hasn't eaten on her own since I got her, and I'm worried. The only reason she has eaten was because I gently pushed down her bottom jaw and put a cickets in her mouth and she gobbles them up.. I want her to be able to eat on her own.. Should I feed her something else instead of crickets that she can catch? or do you think her previous owner just always hand fed her, so she never got the swing of catching her prey? Please help

Pokemon HG: Problem With Team Rocket Radio Tower Challenge?

You get the Team Rocket outfit from the Goldenrod underground. It's by the north side, and you talk to the Team Rocket member behind the counter.

Isn't it interesting that in atheist groups in Arkansas are asked to pay insurance to put up ads on busses?

The reality is, we all know that Christians are not immune from violent and emotional protest when peacefully confronted with opposing ideas.

How are payments made on craigslist?

I want to sell a couple of things on craigslist. I've never sold things online before. I don't really like the look of selling on ebay and the charges seem a little steep.

What are some cardio/aerobics exercises i can do to lose weight on my thighs without joggong or running often?

well everyone says to run and jog and I know it works, but my family just recently moved into a crackhead/tweaker neighborhood and my mom said she didn't want me to jog around the block anymore without her. SHE.NEVER.JOGS!! i've tried running up and down my stairway but everytime I fall because they are so steep. since the house is big maybe I should jog around the house? well that and how do I lose fat on my thighs and stomach? im 5"2 131 pounds,very muscular, fullydeveloped (wink,wink) :)but fat covers my lower abs and thighs. please help me!! pleaze no machines or pills im only 12 and my parents say they don't want me to try to lose weight and change myself but they are your parents... that's what they are supposed to say!! any advice?

How much to feed my daughters Betta?

I recently bought 2 betta for my daughter. She's too young to take care of them all the way but she does like to help feed. Well the store told us to feed them up to six pellets each depending on whether they'd eat it within 3 minutes. Im feeding them 5 pellets each at the moment & they gobble it up in NO time. I'm scared of over feeding them... should I give them another pellet? Also should i only feed them once a day or twice?

Illuminati getting more noticeable?

I used to be a big conspiracy theorist, but I've grown up and matured and realized that the "Illuminati conspiracy theory" is dumb. But I just re-subscribed to Gamefly after I canceled a few months ago, and I wake up to LA Noire in my mailbox. I started playing right away and noticed something disturbing. To get to the point, the intro to the game is just a camera shifting from scene to scene showing off the city of LA while a man with a deep voice narrates what's going on. One part of the intro shows off a triangle base tower with a picture of an eye inside of a drawn triangle. What I found most disturbing was what the narrator was saying while this was happening, and I quote: "A twentieth century city that will become a model for the world, a city that has no boundaries, that will stretch as far as the eye can see." I also noticed the same symbol in all three Assassin's Creed titles after you complete the game. I noticed it in GTA4. Also Halo Reach has an altered version of the symbol. What's the point of these subliminal messages? Even after noticing all this, I still don't completely believe the theory is true. It could just be the developers messing with us.

Do people confuse greed for economics?

If you knew the definition of economics you'd know it has nothing to do with how much money you can gobble up.

What do you do when the toms stop gobbling?

This happens everytime I'm turkey hunting. I get out real early and the toms are responding to my calls, then about 9am they stop gobbling. I know people kill turkeys after that time, even in the afternoon. What do you do? Keep making hen noises?

Is this considered child abuse?

i have two daughters which are 5 and 3. My oldest always have problems when it comes to eating, She would take one bite of her dinner and say she is full, but when it comes to juice, chips, or fruit she can gobble that down. i usually force her to eat half of her food, and if she does not i would send her to bed. My 3 year old is the total opposite she would eat all her food and would want to eat her sisters food as well. Is this considered child abuse because im forcing my daughter to eat when i know she has not ate much through out the day?

Worried about my calorie intake?

No. You only had like 430 calories total so far, chicken breast and veggies will probably only add another 200 calories, and you burned probably almost twice that when you were hiking. Plus your body burns approximately 2,000 calories per day just from keeping you alive. You need to eat more. Your body needs food for energy.

What do these 2 very long vivid dreams mean?

This has definitely piqued my curiosity. Get some candles. Get some calm music (like sounds of nature, etc.), and some incense. Meditate. Focus on these dreams. Play them again in your head, making sure you get every single detail you remember about it. Do this for as long as you need to. Perhaps it means you aren't comfortable with your body because you are overweight, hence why you were skinny and you thought you looked very good. Or maybe you aren't comfortable with the friends you have now and you want new ones, which is why you had the project with all new people, and you didn't know anybody you were taking pictures with at the party, and the two guys. I hope this helped.