Friday, July 22, 2011

Baby gone off solids - Help please?

My little man is 26 weeks old at the moment and has been happily on solids for over 6 weeks now. He was a very good little eater, did not struggle at all with the transition, was eating a variety of different foods and we had just started experimenting with different textures etc. However last week he came down with gastroenteritis (picked up at mums&tots it turns out) and had a few episodes of projectile vomiting as well as the accompanying diarrhoea. He went off all his food in general and the doctor said that this was normal as he was poorly and that I should continue to feed him as normal even if he only had a little and that eventually his appetite would return. Well I am pleased to say he is much better but he is not at all interested in taking any solids. Whereas before he would gobble everything with great gusto now its all tears and tantrums. I just have to pick up his spoon and he is screaming even before I have started trying to feed him. He will take bits of finger food like toast and pieces of cheese but these are mainly to gnaw on and not to eat as understandably he hasn't mastered that skill. He is drinking his milk but don't think that it is filling him up enough. I am starting to worry a little but am trying to make his mealtimes relaxed although inside i am in a little panic and in one instance when he refused my home made food I resorted to the baby jars and tried three different ones in a row and he was not having any of it. I'm at a loss of what to do and would like any advice or if you had any similar experiences.

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