Thursday, July 21, 2011

I need help with a sick platy?

i have a female platy who caught white spot off two new platy's i added to the tank.i separated her and treated her with white spot treatment At first i thought she was going to die as she was lying sideways on the bottom of her tank not moving and breathing rapidly, she was also 'bent' looking. Amazingly the next day i fed her blood worms and she managed her way round the tank gobbling them all up... eventually she was sitting up, her colour looked great, her tattered tail was mending and a few days later she was swimming about normally so i released her back into the main tank. The next day i noticed she was hiding alot and acting strangely so once again i put her back in the small tank, she seemed to have a 'relapse', once again she was bent looking and lying sideways on the bottom, day by day she's improving, colour great, eating greedily, almost a normal fish.. then there was another suprise of 7 babies, all doing great. I suppose my question is, does anyone know what could be wrong with my fish, i have no idea what to treat her with, and as she seems to be a little fighter i don't want to give up. :))

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