Sunday, July 17, 2011

Please help with my hamster?

probably not something you want to hear.. but i know if i was you i would do everything best to just make sure that he is comfortable for when the time comes that he leaves the world.. make sure you always tell him you love him & even though he's a hamster you should just hold him & basically cuddle with him let him know that you love him; just because hes an animal doesnt mean he doesnt understand that kinda thing. all he needs is love right now. just as you would treat a love one treat him i know that sounds very corny & what not but animals need to feel love as well you know?. i had a hamster for 4 years.. everyday i told him i loved him before school... my 8th grade year i left in a rush & didnt tell him.. i went to my moms & then came home that night to find that he had passed away.. i feel its my fault because i didnt let him know i loved him... =\ not saying thats whats going on here but he needs more love than mine ever did. good luck & keep your head up.

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