Saturday, July 16, 2011

I think my ferret is sick!?

he is normally full of energy and happy and excited to get out of his cage. today when i went to clean his cage he did not run out of the cage like normal. i placed him on the floor and he walked around on shaky legs. i looked at him and saw a small jelly blob of poop next to him. he continued to try to poop but nothing came out. i pup him back into cage and he fell asleep. i gave him some ferret lax twice now and tryed to give him water his normal food and some duk soup. he ate all the ferret lax i gave him but ate nothing else. he normally will gobble up any treats or duk soup i give him. when i look at his he just looks sick. i will be going to the vet soon so dont say that i need to take him. what could it be and how can i help him out ?? thank you.

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