Saturday, July 16, 2011

Really Weird, Vivid dreams?

Your brain is very much a holographic computer and you can program this biological computer to perform certain functions. This is how you master Out Of Body lucid dreaming. An out of body lucid dream is when you feel as though you're actually PHYSICALLY THERE IN YOUR DREAM. When you lie down to go to sleep, close your eyes and try to imagine a nice place where you'd really like to be. Try to imagine that you're really there PHYSICALLY. Now while you're imagining all of this, repeat 100 times an affirmation like, "I NOW HAVE A FULLY CONSCIOUS OUT OF BODY LUCID DREAM." Make sure that you do this mental exercise every single time you lie down to go to sleep, seven days a week. Make sure that you don't think about anything except the affirmation and what you're visualizing before you fall asleep and that its the last thing on your mind before you fall asleep, otherwise IT WON'T WORK. You can in fact have lucid dreams in which case you feel certain that you're actually physically there. I promise you that it will feel so real to you and that you will have so much control over your dream, that it will frighten you with excitement. You'll wake up the next day feeling very THRILLED at what you've accomplished. You can learn to do all kinds of far out things in your lucid dreams. You can gain more control over the cells and organs in your body and totally heal yourself. You can learn to freeze time in your lucid dreams and stay inside your dream for very long periods of time. To give you an idea of how REAL kind of dream is, then let me ask you a question. How do you know that you're not really sound asleep right now at this very moment? Are you really sitting in front of your computer reading all of this data? How do you know that you're not really dreaming all of this? This is how real OOBLD (Out Of Body Lucid Dreaming) really is. Its very important that you NEVER smoke marijuana or drink alcoholic beverages when doing this mental exercise. This also includes mind altering pharmaceutical drugs. Stay away from all of these things or you will FAIL. Make sure that you remember not to think of anything else while doing this mental exercise before you fall asleep or you will FAIL. Soon, I myself will be a master Lucid Dreamer. You can use lucid dreaming to entrain yourself to learn other things. You can enhance your intelligence through lucid dreaming. I hope this info that I've given you will help you, take care!

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