Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My Odd Story and Past life wonder??? and more things-i need confirmation-please help!?

okay, so i have been lately wondering about past lives-not for a specific reason, except that i've always had something inside of me occur almost every day of my life since i could remember. Ever since i was little, i've loved to be caring (taking care of others if they're sick) and i've always felt different than everyone else. since the beginning of my teen years, i've noticed that i really was different...something inside of me separated my very being from everyone else. i have much going on inside of me--so many unexplained traits and the love for certain things. For example, i have a strange fear of being out in the middle of the ocean at night, alone on a raft--im scared that something way bigger than me will come up with its' mouth wide open and gobble me down with its' sharp teeth. Also, (especially lately i've been going through this odd unintentional stage) i love the idea of the life of a pirate--the adventure, the light sea breeze brushing against my face and through my hair...i really don't know why?... also, absolutely LOVE classical music ever since i was little (everyone else in my family hates it) and i love the time period when ladies wore those nice dresses with corsets, as well as their dances, culture and everything--it almost seems like the victorian/ colonial era--i honestly don't know why but i just love all this...also, i love Ireland (never been there) as well as their precious music; i just feel a connection to all these things and much more; i for some reason also feel connected to innocent greek lifestyle(especially the arts), indian lifestyle, old italian lifestyle( the thought of it's block roads { some places had streets made out of some sort of block-rectangular wood things} and its' scent in the air comforts me (: ) it's things like this that make me wonder who i really am...also, i don't want to sound like i'm bragging (i dislike braggers) but i, and all those around me, have noticed that im really really talented when it comes to creatting ANY type of art, singing without even trying, and i grasp things easily-i learn quickly. Also, ever since i was little, i've (like i said before) been different than any other child my age--i seemed to be very wise, and still am. i just for some reason know things that the world wonders about and people are very shocked when they see how much wisdom i have. i've been blessed with numerous gifts...just about a year ago, i found out that my closest sister for some reason felt and saw i was different...something pure, yet very full with a variety of many things. she told me herself that she saw that god made me different and that he was always very close to me for an unforseen thing in the future?as a child, i was unexplainably mature for my age-and til this day in my teens, i seem to be like an old person stuck in a little persons's body, yet i still am the child i used to be (still full of much imagination and which brings joy to others, even in the most difficult of times)... i dont know why i am this way, im really just a strange person, and only a year ago, i 've found my true love. Since i am young, you readers may think that im kidding about this or that this is just some temporary, highschool puppy-love thing. but it's not. for some reason, even people that don't know us take one glimpse of us and see something different than all the rest of the couples of the world? why??? all we know is we were meant to be until "death do us part" except we both know not even death can keep two souls away forever-love is stronger than anything. also, i for some reason have many unexplained "gifts"- one of them is that i can usually tell what will happen in the near or far future...and , at school, when changing in between classes when people are passing by, i can tell everyone's scent as they pass me and whose they belong to and how they are feeling based on their scent. i know this sounds weird, but i can smell how a person feels? what is this? someone please help me figure myself out and what's going on with me; i need confirmation.

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