Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I found these lyrics in my daughters room, help?

You don't need to approach her about it. She's fifteen. All teenagers have written at least one song about something that's on their mind. I can Imagine the conversation. "Hey, honey, I was in your room today and I saw a piece of paper that wasn't mine, so I read it. It had a semi-worrying song aout future ambitions written on it..." "Mum, that wasn't yours to read, don't go in my room, never speak to me again...!" And since you asked, yes, it's good. But when writing a song, one needs to write the notes first, then think of lyrics that go with it. If she can't do that, it's not a suitable career. And you never know, she might not want to do that. (By the way, nearly all teenage girls get teary when they discuss future jobs, it's natural.)

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